Salon Rising: The Podcast
Ditch the Vision Board: A Fresh Take on Goal-Setting
In this episode in the inner sanctum, weβre keeping it real about the New Yearβno fluffy resolutions, just practical ways to set goals and actually follow through.
We dive into navigating multiple roles, business shifts, and making lifestyle changes that feel good (hello, dopamine hacks!). Plus, weβre shaking up traditional goal-setting by swapping vision boards for something way more funβBingo cards.
From managing energy post-holiday chaos to setting goals that actually stick, this conversation is all about making the new year work for you. Expect laughs, honesty, and a refreshing take on growth without the pressure.
00:00 Episode Summary
01:58 Podcast Introduction and Swearing Resolutions
02:48 Holiday Experiences and Restfulness
04:21 Decluttering and Switching Off
05:01 Managing Responsibilities and Control
07:59 Accountability and ADHD in Business
12:53 Vision Bingo and New Year Goals
17:05 75-Day Habit Challenge
19:39 Financial Tracking and Budgeting
28:47 Spending Restrictions and Regrets
29:56 Grocery Shopping Challenges
32:11 Team Goals and Learning Aspirations
35:16 Social Media Detox
36:56 Personal and Business Goals
42:29 Health and Wellness Commitments
50:34 Reflecting on the Year Ahead
54:01 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
I want to do some of the freaky stuff this year. Freaky stuff? Freaky stuff. In what context? And I wasn't keeping an eye on all the little things and the little things are what adds up in your business. Every day steps. So that I can sit within that balance of, you know, being able to be a mum, being able to be a salon owner, be able to be a friend and all of the things.
Do you think that you'll be able to find a point where you're restful wearing all those hats? I did all the steps she told me to do because I think that that's going to be fun at the time. And then I needed a nap. I was so overwhelmed. Whereas we know, even with your human design, if you force yourself to do anything, it's not going to be good.
Yeah. More so really getting market intel from my people, like, is this good? Do you like it? Should I get it? Is it worth it? Yeah. How should I do it? Tell me all the things. And I got in the car, and I looked in front of me, and I got in the back seat of my car. Like, who does that? When you're really tuned into the, the numbers.
Yeah. It helps you look across and you're like, oh, should I be spending money on that? But also it's the beginning of the new year. We went on a journey. I didn't really know where it was going. It got freaky. But yeah, happy new year.
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Welcome back to the Inner Sanctum Salon Rising, the podcast. The episode about fucking holidays, right? I decided that this year would be the year I didn't swear as much on the podcast. Oh, really? Well, you could have told me that before I said it. Mmm. No, you said it So it's fine. Okay In saying that I swore on the last podcast I caught myself doing it That's interesting.
Is that one of your things for the year? Is it I want to swear less Oh, I like a pirate. I only just declared that right now, but yes. Right now, right this second? It wasn't on any of your stuff that you've been doing? Right now. Oh, I like that. Yeah. Okay, so what do you want to talk about today? Um, I guess I'd love to cruise into the, obviously the new year.
Yeah. But I think that it's been an interesting, um, step into the new year for me, and I wanted to know if anyone else felt the same way as well. Oh, do tell. Normally, I feel very refreshed after my break. Yes? I did not. But I do have substantially more children these days. Yeah. But I feel like Do you think that's the only reason why you don't feel refreshed?
I just feel like Christmas was Um, it was, it was hectic this year, like not Christmas day was crazy as hell, but like the lead up was really busy and I just feel like, so we finished work on the 20th, which was, we had an amazing Christmas in La Sorella. It was one of the best Christmases we've ever had.
Um, just how it felt, you know, everyone, it was, wasn't hectic. We still, you know, did what we needed to do financially, but. We were just all, we really enjoyed each other's company and we picked up an extra day, but no one felt overwhelmed, like, and then come the end of the week, we ended up going out and having dinner.
So it's not like you went into the break like, Oh my gosh, I am shattered and exhausted. No, but I think I set up expectations for it to feel a different way. And then when it hasn't felt as restful as I needed it, coming back into the new year, you're like, and here we go again. Like, it just felt like it didn't have that.
You know, but I didn't go away this year either and maybe that was it. So, okay, so you think that's what it is. It's what makes something feel restful for you? Um, look, I probably went into the, I switched off from work, but I went into the Um, decluttering mode at home, you know, I, I struggled to switch off completely and just, I did that yesterday.
Actually, I laid around. It's probably why I'm so tired today. Um, but I definitely didn't, you know, switch off and do nothing and was at the creek. I think I really definitely do need to leave my house so that I'm not doing washing, doing the dishes. Cleaning garage, things like that. I think normally I go away in years past I've gone away in the van and stuff and actually just had that complete break.
Yeah. Um, but I think, you know, the end of 2024 for me ramped up in the list of responsibilities I needed to do, you know, I took back over, yeah. The management position of las took back over the receptionist position of Ella, sorry. My team is smaller and so mighty, but there's many more hats I need to do now than what I used to.
Do you think that you'll be able to find a point where you're restful wearing all those hats? Do you think there's steps that you can put in place or do you think you need help? I don't know. I think I, at the moment, you know, like I say to everybody, sometimes we need to pull it all back before we give it back out again.
Um, and so for at least a little while. Um, three or six months, I just want my hands over everything, um, because I'm in this very big, um, stage of having that control because I let the control go too much. Okay. And I think that, you know, it was a detriment to the business. In the way that there was too big a spend on certain things and I wasn't keeping an eye on all the little things and the little things are what adds up in your business.
So I'm definitely focused on, you know, still focusing on what we make, but also focusing on what we spend. Yeah, absolutely. That's so important. So I think that's where I'm at. And then obviously beginning of the new year. Your mind is definitely set to what I want for this year, what I want it to look like.
Um, and then also developing all the resources for Selenarising that go with that. Yeah. You know, I, I want to do all of that so that our humans that work with us don't have to worry about that side of it. Yeah. So it just makes everything busier because I get in my head and then I'm just like, go, go, develop this, do this, move that, do this.
Do that, try and develop that, but it's all about also in the beginning of the year, you move through different stuff. And I'm very, um, uh, I'm definitely more switched into now trying to get it implemented in my life before I've always been like that with the businesses. Yeah, you always have, um, you do before you put it out to everyone.
Absolutely. That's why we have to do so many spreadsheets. Yeah. That's why we have to do so many spreadsheets. So I'm definitely, I know when something's ready to go straight away, that it's simple and quick and it can go, like that it'll work for anyone, but there's other things that I really need to take my time and really implement first.
Um, so we've gone through a big growth stage with that and what that looks like. And I'm excited because, you know, now that it's a lot of that work is done. I can, we can just implement instead and I feel like it's going to be a game changer. Yeah, what the, what life looks like financially for 2025 for your family, for your business, for everything.
Both. Awesome. Everything. So how are you managing that and staying accountable to it without telling everyone what you're developing? Um, look, there's a lot of checkpoints, um, but also You know, you, everyone sees me talk. If you are on our Instagram page, everyone will see generally on a Monday, you'll always see the same type of posts from me.
It's Monday. It's Monday. It's Monday. It's Monday. Um, because of what I found over time, I used to be very fluid with how I did my work, very fluid. I would depend on the day, depending on the season, how I would do things. Um, but the more that I've implemented that Monday routine of what gets done. For the business, for my personal life, how I run through that, the easier it has become to navigate the rest of my life throughout that week.
Um, so I definitely, I've actually started developing something again this morning on that of, you know, another resource that we give the people that work within our worlds because, you know, I have to, I do have so many people be like, okay, So what do I actually do on the day that I need to do the business?
You know, like I need a whole day for business, but what do I do? What do I do on that day? And I don't need a day. It just, I know depending on what I've got on on that Monday, what that looks like for me. So, um, today I got up. Um, and exercised and got ready. And then I had like an hour. So I sat down and started to do some of that stuff, but I know I'll go home and do more today.
Um, but I'm also just so switched into the fact that, and I, again, I always say, I don't want to put this umbrella over our entire industry, but so many hairdressers have ADHD. Oh, so many business owners. I think that is a. Absolutely accurate umbrella. Yeah. I would genuinely, 'cause I like to hyperfocus because I have a DH adhd.
Yeah. Would like to know what the statistics are on that and may find them for you. Yeah. Yeah. It's, and if you don't, not diag, I'm a, I'm Jen's diagnosed. I'm not diagnosed. If you're not diagnosed, there's a good chance you're undiagnosed like me. Yeah. Um, I saw this hoodie that I was gonna get for you. It's like I'm undiagnosed, but everyone's pretty sure
Yeah. I'm 100 percent sure and look, my daughter is diagnosed, so we'll, you know, so, um, yeah, it's just, so for me, it's trying to, um, develop those patterns that don't make me go too far one way and not too far the other, um, so that I can sit within that balance of, you know, being able to be a mom, being able to be a salon owner, be able to be a friend and all of the things.
Um, you know, because depending on where I'm at, my mind gets so busy that sometimes I'm just like, Hmm, I don't know what to do right now. And I will do something and hyper focus on something. Um, but whether that's where I need to be or not, I don't know. Yeah. And now that I'm back on the floor, it's, I've got to be really regimented on the days that I'm not.
Yeah. When I have that time, because when I'm on the floor, I can't do that because I need to be on floor and present with my clients. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I saw this thing today, this morning actually, that was talking about, it's really common in um, neurologically diverse friendship groups, which I think it was called, now, this could come out really wrong and people are going to be like, she's talking about a sex thing.
Like, I'm sure it was called dipping, okay? I'm sure that's what it was called, or tipping was something like that. But it, and I'm like, what is this that they're talking about? And then when she explained it, I was like, Oh, so it talks about how busy the mind is and that you do think of people, you're constantly thinking of your friends and your family and the people that you love, but you get so busy in your head that you forget.
To articulate, or say that, or call them, or think, and so it's really common. I think of you guys all of the time. So it's really common, but hear what it is. To send, just like, um, a meme, or a photo. And I just laughed at it. It's like, just so that they know that you're thinking of them. And it's like, wow.
That's like having a mirror held up in front, in front of my face. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. Or you're just like, finally, you're like, I have to send that text message, but the text message isn't well articulated. It's just like, Hey, catch up. Like because you just like, sometimes I have to say that to reach, like, I always mean to put my pleas and thank yous in, but a lot of the time it's just like, get the information out now.
Get it out. Otherwise it's not coming for you. And then at which point that's worse. Okay. Um, Yeah. But yeah, there's like, I always get to this time of the year and it's like vision board time. Yep. I'm moving a little differently. I'm not doing vision board this year. I'm doing vision bingo. And that's also really important for neurologically diverse brains.
Mm hmm. To not necessarily always do the same thing because you won't get the same result even if you got the same, a great result last time because your brain's therefore not getting that same big dopamine hit from it that it got the last time you did it. So you need to always. Re invent the wheel. Yep.
And I just didn't feel, last year when I did my vision board, Oh, I was just in such a vision board head. Like I was just like, so when I developed it, it was truly bringing my, and I, and I a hundred percent got everything I pretty much wanted. And it was so, so, because all of my emotion was in it. If you made me do a vision board right now, I think I would be so.
It would be forced. Yeah. That's me forcing myself to do a vision board, right? Like, because I'm like, I know it works, so force myself to do it. Whereas we know, even with your human design, if you force yourself to do anything, it's not going to be good. No. So, it was funny because I was watching this chick on TikTok and she was like, do your chat GBT 2025 live and blah, blah, blah.
So I did everything, so I sat for an afternoon. That's probably why I had no time. I sat for an afternoon. I did it all. I wrote it all down. I did all the things. I printed it all out and I then closed my computer because I was so exhausted by the information. I was like, yeah, nope. And I closed it and I just moved forward.
I've never looked at it again. It'll be interesting to see when you look back, when I look back and talk one time, whether I actually came to life. I was so overwhelmed by the chat GPT information and how you should put in things in place. And it's not how my brain works yet by the end of it, I was like, why did you do that?
It sounds right. It down. It sounded fun. I wrote myself a letter. Chat GPT wrote me a letter. I don't know what it came with, but like I did all the steps she told me to do, because I think that that's going to be fun at the time. And then I needed nap. I was so overwhelmed, but I did see on TikTok. The bingo.
So I really like the idea of knowing what that feels like for me. So I still went through the same kind of thought process of what do I want family to feel like? What do I want life to feel like? What do I want business to feel like? What do I want this to feel like? And then. I created my bingo card and left some space for things that I know will come up over the next 12 months that I want.
Um, but then I just kept developing. So there's a team one, there's a business one, there's a life one. And then I created a learnings one because there's a few things I want to learn this year. And if I don't know where to look. Each month of where I want my focus to be, then I struggle. So then around that, I created a massive accountability tracker, which is my focus for 2025 for Salon Rising is that massive accountability piece.
So I really want to move people to what they need to be accountable for as well. Um, yeah, so I created this massive accountability tracker and it may get overwhelming for me in three days and then I'd never touch it again, but I'm hoping. That it just helps me keep on the narrow, the straight and narrow, but another cool thing, which who knows by the time this podcast comes out, where we're at, but my whole team has decided to do a challenge.
The 75. The 75. Well, the 75 hard is where it. That was pulled from originally, but we talked about this in the beginning of last year, didn't we? Yeah. So it's not necessarily the 75 hard rules. So there's, there's rules that go with 75 hard, medium soft, whatever it is. Okay. But we've just created 75 days of habit for Lassarella.
Okay. All of us are doing bar one. Shout out to Laura. Love you. Laura's not doing it. She's our coach. Um, we're all doing it. So it started because one of the girls partners, there was like a huge, um, incentive for him to do it with work and he could win a great prize. So she was like, did his work tell them, were they given what they had to do for that 75 days?
Or did they get to choose what they were focusing on? I'm not sure. I think it's just like. I think it's like a fitness weight loss thing. I think they could choose to do whatever they wanted. Yeah. I think that's the case. They could choose to do it however they wanted it to do it, but it's just all about getting fit and healthy for the new year.
Wow. That's really cool. Yeah. So we, so Court was like, he's doing it. So I'm going to do it with him. Cause you need the support. And then I was like, You're going to do it. I'm going to do it with you. And then all the girls were like, we'll all do it. And Laura's like, no way. Laura's like, nah. And then now my partner, he's doing it cause I'm doing it.
So then every, like, so it's just kind of like evolved. So we've got certain rules, like certain amount of workouts, steps, diet, Uber Eats is going to go broke cause Lazzarella's not going to be eating from it every day, several times a day. Um. And then I've also added things in there for them. So I didn't, I wanted it to be full focus.
So I also added some gratitude, some mindset, um, and then some work targets and goals and stuff as well. So I like that. So it's a really well rounded. Yeah. Yeah. And I created them all a tracker so that they'll get it. They get it tomorrow, so it'll be printed out and they'll get it. So, yeah, when this podcast goes out, it'll go out like what, halfway through Feb.
We'll see when, check in, see what day I'm on. Um, but I'm definitely quiet in it right now. And I know that something sticks better when I'm staying quiet. So even today, like you and Rich had to poke me on something, but I was like, okay, this is the reason why. Because when I'm too loud with what I'm doing, it lasts a day.
And then I'm just like, I feel like an idiot. Sorry. Um, everything that I'm doing at the moment is just quietly researching it and testing it to see if it works for me and how my brain works and how it works for the business. Um, and then implementing it further, but yeah, definitely the tracker side of things.
I did it before I came here financially. The cool thing about how we're doing the tracking for the business and how we do the budgeting for the businesses with Salon Rising is it's not. Tracking it based off estimates or based off what you think it should be. It's all tracking based off your numbers.
What they actually are, what they actually are. So, um, and there's so much, you know, I've just done this with one of my clients and she's just like, just doing this has woken me up to so much. Like I cannot tell you how much it's woken me up to. And it doesn't matter how many times you've done it. Like. How many times have you done it?
And every year when you do it, it's like, Oh, yeah, there's always something else that you're waking up to. There's always something else. And you're like, it's interesting. Now I'm doing it weekly, weekly wake up calls. So for example, we. Um, and Lee and I were like, we're going to do a no spend for the first sort of three months of this year, very minimal spend.
We gave each other a budget, but then interesting enough, Oh, look, we didn't go that much above cause we all have a budget. Me, the kids and Lee have a budget. Um, but when I did write the numbers down, we spent 250 on takeout. Yeah. Um, and we have all have a 40 budget. So we actually only really spent. An extra 110 bucks or something, but it was because last week we were so tuned into it and this week we're a little bit off tune to it and.
One of the nights I was just so exhausted that I was like, we're ordering pizza. Yeah. And it was so fine because everyone ate it and enjoyed it and we ate all of the pizzas and it wasn't a waste and I was like, I'm really glad we did that. But, and one of the times we took our eldest daughter out. for breakfast, but the three of us breakfast.
Yeah. 95. Yeah. Like it's quite different by the time, like, it's just not, it's expensive. Like by the time we had, we went to an expensive place, but they both had fancier drinks. Then we only really got two breakfasts, but then we got treats. It just like adds up. And then I was just like, it was such a nice morning.
So I don't take it back that we did it, but I'm just. It's so, when you tune in to come the end of the week, you spent 2. 50 on that. You're like, I don't, wouldn't take that away, wouldn't take that away. But then last night, because we got home from church late, we just drive through Macca's and there's another 40 because everyone was hungry.
I thought we had dinner at church. We do, but last night the kids didn't feel like it was enough. And all afternoon yesterday, we said, we should do dinner. We should do with dinner. We should do dinner. And then it just blew out and we just left and we'll get dinner on the way home. So it's those conscious thoughts of being like, because I wasn't planned enough.
And because I was like, yellow, who cares? That's how it blew out. And then I wasn't focusing on our health or our finances. So it's just things like that, I guess. And you know, it's very easy to do it for a week. But what you actually need to track is for three months. Yeah. Like, you need to see three months.
Yeah, every day steps towards the end goal. Yeah, so my accountability tracker now does My accountability accountability tracker just move your body I'm in a bit of a state I'm a bit sore at the moment and I had to have a big acupuncture and cupping session before I came and so I'm finding it hard to sit in the chair Um, so yeah, I'm tracking all of those things personally, but also tracking all of those things professionally.
So I know exactly to the dollar how much La Sorella cost me last week. Yeah, that's great. And just a lot more. We've always talked about putting your tax and super away. Yep. Um, but this year I'm a lot more focused on all of the areas rather than tax and super. Yep. So looking again, based off our budget sheets on what you spend, um, I'm looking at.
you know, certain things with our stock and how I can keep that down because I'm really tuned into what I'm spending. Um, which means on the other side of that, it also makes you really tuned into how you can remove things that aren't there sitting there or things that are, you know, Like, that you're spending on, and the first of the year is, so I've removed a lot from the business.
Yep. Um, just because I'm like, it's not serving me, it's not serving me, it's not serving me. When you say you've removed a lot, what do you mean? Um, I'll go into that next time. Okay. Bridget's probably gonna ring me and say, what do you mean? When you say that. Hey Bridge. Um. Um, just different systems that I'm paying for that I don't like, um, but I've got, and you just think you need more and more and more.
I'm actually just talking about like physical removed stuff. Okay. No. I'm like, what did you take away? Are those lights new? No, Jen, they've been there for three and a half years. Um, so just looking at the ways I'm doing things, but when you're really tuned into the numbers, it helps you look across and you're like.
Oh, should I be spending money on that? But also it's the beginning of the new year, so new price lists. Yeah. Going through all of those things. I've still got to do that, go in and change all the pricing for everything. Yeah. You can do it from, Oh, no, I can do it from home on Katoomba. You can do it from home on Katoomba, which is amazing.
Cause I can do it over there. Okay. So it means over the weekend I was able to do it, which was good. Um, but it's just all of those little bits and pieces as well. Yeah. You know, so just making sure that all of that's handled, what are you spending on money on? Is it still worth it? What are you going to have to spend money on this year?
What's in the budget. And then also putting stuff aside, like work cover for me comes in September. But it's five grand. Yeah. So instead I've just started to put a hundred dollars away a week. Yeah. Into that holding account. So that come September, it's not like, Oh, here's another amount. Yeah. You know, so it's just starting, even though there's money sitting there to pay it.
I want to change my mindset around my business account, being my profitable account and then having a holding account for my bills. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So even now with stock, I transfer the money for the stock the day I order. Yeah. So I, even if I, um, you don't have to pay for it for 60 days, what I see people do is get in a trap of doing all the ordering.
And then it arrives and they use it all and, and, and then it comes to time, they have to pay it. And they're like, I don't, it's four grand, five grand. Where is that coming from? So instead of, so you become really unconscious on what you're spending because you don't have to take it out of your pocket that day.
Yeah. I tell you what though, if you do it a different way, and even if you want to still have it there just in case you need that buffer, pay for it on that day, transfer it into a holding account. You won't spend five grand because you don't have the five grand to spend. Yeah. You'll spend two and a half and you'll make more intelligent decisions on what you need because you're like, I don't want to spend any more than that.
you know, creating budgets of knowing each month, each week, each month, each quarter, what you can spend on stock allows you to reduce it because you're not going, uh, I'm not aware. I'm heads out of the clouds. You actually start to make a really conscious choices of I'm not. I don't want that. I don't want that.
And I did it this week. So I did an order on product this week and I didn't do it. My rep did it for me. And then I opened it and I was like, I don't want like six of these things because I know consciously they're not going to move. They're just going to sit on the shelf. And I was like, I don't want them sitting on the shelf.
That point for me this year is to not have it just sitting on the shelf. I want to move through things so that. You know, it's not just a wasted thing sitting on the shelf. And I think retail can be like that unless you are constantly moving product. It is just something that you can sit on your shelf behind me.
I can do the same thing. There's certain products that will sit on the shelf or we have loads of, so I want to get down to more minimal so that, you know, no, we don't run out of the things that we love, but we're also not having a massive amount sitting on our shelves either. Yes, that's very sensible.
Yeah. I've always liked the idea of a holding account. Like, I've always done that for us personally. We've always had a holding account for all bills and stuff. Mostly because I had to, otherwise I wasn't going to be able to pay them if someone had accidentally taken money out thinking that there was money to spend.
Yeah. So, yeah, it makes sense. Yeah. Definitely makes sense. Yeah. So what are some of the things that you want to share that you're working towards this year? Oh, to learn my Katoomba better. That's one of my learnings. Yep. Because I definitely feel like I don't use it to its full capacity because I don't allow the space for it because other things come up.
The no spend. I've, I, the no spend is a 12 month thing. It was a 12 month thing on TikTok. So, you know, Are you literally going to try and go 12 months without spending? Yeah, kind of. So talk me through that. So what are you allowed to spend money on? Obviously like food and stuff like that. Yeah. So you're saying you're not allowed to buy like, Sabi.
Oh, no more Sabi for your girlfriend. Thank God. I've just got fresh ones, but no, I'm not allowed to spend. Money on, I'm a very like, I need it so I'll buy it. I'm, I'm not allowed to spend money on things like that. Like I can't just be like, I love it, that's so cool, buy it. Um, and definitely so, funny enough at the beginning of the year when I decided to do this, there was a situation where someone's like, I bought this, you should buy it.
And I did. I'm not gonna say what it was. And I did. And I haven't used it. And it was only like 60 bucks. Really? But I'm like, It didn't align to where I was at. Yeah. It wasn't the right thing for me. But I did it because everyone else was doing it and I wanted to do it too. That's so interesting. Yeah. So, um, it made me so, whereas in the past I would have just been like, oh well.
Whereas it's like, now I'm just annoyed. The other thing is, I hate, is, we have so many kids, so like, we do big grocery shops, but I just don't feel like that's actually a good idea anymore, because like, the other day we threw out 50 worth of meat. Oh no, that's terrible. Because the, the lamb that we had bought, even though it wasn't, Oh, for another two days looked green, so we threw it and then I had bought chicken and we forgot to put in the freezer and I was just like, Oh, no, we can't have fridge stock with food.
We actually just need to do little orders of like 100, 150. Yeah, every couple of days. rather than doing this like 300, 400 shop because we also don't eat like that. We're not the people that like, go, this is exactly what's for dinner tonight. We don't eat like that. Um, Costco's been awesome. We've done big meat orders at Costco because the meat's so great and put it in our freezer.
Yeah. But it's like fresh fruit and stuff you need to do every couple of days rather than doing a big order. You know, because when we have our boys, they eat more. But when we just have our girls, they don't need as much. So yeah, it's just, it's reconfiguring how I do things so that we're not as wasteful, which I always get to at the beginning of this year.
So I just want to stick to it. Nice. Yeah. So that was a learning. That's like a home one. What other thing, what other categories are you sort of? Okay, so I've got a team one, our team 175 hard to begin with. And we're also doing a cruise this year. Yep. So there's more stuff on that one. There, my, one of my business, one of my learning ones is, there's a few learning, I want to learn how to invest.
Um, I can't remember what else is on their vest, more social media stuff, um, when it comes to the business, sorry, I haven't got my laptop so I could actually see what I've got on here. So I want to learn how to do the nanoplasty that you do. Oh yeah. Um, that's actually one of my first ones because I think it'll be a great.
addition to our salon. Um, but funny enough, I'm still, I race into things and I feel like there is a couple of things that I raced into the end of last year that I'm looking at specifically. Um, and it wasn't the right call for the salon, but you just think, Oh, I need that. You know, it's a thing I should get.
I'll need it. I'll get it. And I think that's what I can do and what we can do as business owners really quick. We need it, let's get it. And then it costs you all this money. So I've definitely been like, You know, it's something that I've wanted to do, but I'm pretty much just, my best friend's been doing it and she loves it and it's a great thing.
So why not? You know what I mean? So it's like more so really getting market intel from my people. Like, is this good? Do you like it? Should I get it? Is it worth it? Yeah. How should I do it? Tell me all the things and that will be a discussion on here. If things don't go my way. Um, so, you know, I think that, yeah, that's on there.
Um, you know, as a team we want to do more cutting this year. So we've already planned that out. Um, business bingo, I want to read six self growth books. Yep. Or listen to podcasts, but I'm not putting too many in. Um, I've got some goals for social media, which I think is important, so you can track it. Um, and I've got some jobs that I needed to do from last year that I didn't get finished and I need to do it.
But when it's here, it's like, it's something I work towards or it's on my to do list. I feel overwhelmed by the fact that it's not done, whereas it's when it's on my bingo list. Is that because it's in a different format and like it's all over the place and not in a list where it feels incompleted? Yeah.
Yeah. So like when I've achieved it, amazing, it's achieved and done. But when it's in the to do list every week, it feels incomplete. Like, and it feels like I'm not doing enough of a job. So yeah, now it's on my business, you know, certain things like I need to unsubscribe. Like I'm very about unsubscribing and decluttering.
So that's one of the things that's on my accountability checklist to make sure that. I'm decluttering something every day, even if it's just from one email or what I have been doing and taking back, which I don't know if this is what you guys need, but it's something that's big for me. So I'm going to talk about Samara's favorite app.
Oh, Opal. Opal. Um, so I've definitely been taking back much more of my time. So from Friday now, Um, so from Friday lunchtime, I allowed myself five minutes to post. So I closed it until six 30 posted, got back off and I didn't actually get back on until last night. So, and then I turned it back off. So I haven't been on it today.
So I've now had like 72 hours completely social media free, except for getting on and posting and getting off because we say. that we're posting and that's all it's for, but it's so easy to pick up. Right. So Friday night, my partner was out and I couldn't get on social media and I was watching TV and I needed something else.
So I painted and it's so much better for my mind. Um, yesterday I didn't even think about it, but couldn't get on social media. So I read all day, you know, so I actually gave myself the things that I keep saying I want. that social media takes my time up for. Yeah, okay. So it's been huge. When you can't get on it, you don't.
And you just don't think about it and you just don't get on. Yeah. Um, I'm much more of a present person, of a present mum when I'm off socials, so that's a big focus for me to stay off socials. Um, but yeah, just letting myself get on it for five minutes and post and get off. I know that there will be times like today I need to do some stuff on there, I need to do research on what I want to post, I want to get prepped for the week.
Yeah. But then if I'm prepped I should be able to get back off. Yeah. You know, and the weekend I shouldn't be touching it, I shouldn't be checking my salon DMs, I shouldn't be doing, and if I need to get back on I can. Yeah. But I shouldn't, I shouldn't need to, that's how I actually give myself a break. So, that's been a big one.
Um, but just different things. I've been talking about forever changing my credit card to get new Qantas points. Oh, okay. But I just never do it because it's not a priority. So I put on my bingo card, you know? So, you know, that's, so there's things like that on my bingo card for the business. And then personal, so there's team, there's learning.
Personal, I don't even know what I've got on there. Um, I've got my no spends, but I'm doing it in three month intervals rather than expecting myself to do a year, which with my ADHD, that just doesn't work. Um, a family holiday. I have still got on there that I've had on there for I reckon the last two years to get my boobs done.
Oh, really? Again, not implants. I want a reduction. So I just want to. Um, remove and look, I don't think any dudes, there's not many dudes that listen to this podcast. So I still, I like wild is nearly three and I still have milk. So for me it's like disconnecting all of the plumbing and just putting my, like just getting a reduction.
So they're not so as big as, and it's comfortable, but different things like that, you know, I want to learn to invest. I've got that on this too. I want to use my reformer 40 times this year because I don't use it at all. That's good. So things like that. Clear out my photos on my phone. Yep. Again, stupid little jobs, but I'll feel like by the end of 2025, if I've done it, I'll be like, yes.
And then when you do it on a bingo format, you can be like achieved. And you can be proud of it. I love that. Yeah, so that's what's on there. That's some of the things that are on there. What is your goals this year, Jen?
Um, look, I'm still working on them. I'm still like nutting through, like I've done separate sections and I've really sat with a lot of questions. And taking the time to like journal on it. Um. One of our friends, Ange, who's been on the podcast had a great set of prompting questions that I have been using.
I, I mean, I know cause this will come out after our Sherry episode came out. Like I would like to be a business that is still around in 18 months. So that's genuinely what I'm working towards. Um, yeah. And it's just building, right? Like everything is. Just building things up at the moment. Yeah, it's kind of nice to go into the year like I last year when I did my vision board was very much about certain things that I wanted, you know, like I wanted certain not, not, it was still a lot based on feelings, but you know, I wanted.
I didn't realize how much I wanted to find my person until I found my person, you know, so there was many things on there, whereas this year it's more fluid, like the things aren't as concrete and I really like my life and there's things that's exactly right, like there's no, like there's, there's some things that I'm still working towards from my goals from last year, but I've done some of it, but I'm like, it's a big thing that I'm like chipping away at.
Yes. And. Yes. I'm okay with that because I know that I'm working towards them, but yeah, there's nothing that it's like, I have to do this this year. Although one of them is, I would really, really like to be able to take my family on a holiday by the end of the year. Yeah. Like that. I would like to start next year on holiday with my family.
Like that is one of my big goals. Same. Yeah. That's a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Switching off, getting away, doing something. I have a specific thing I would like to do with my family this time next year. What are you doing? I want to go to Japan. To go snowboarding. So cool. Yeah. So cool. Because I feel like physically there will come a time when I can't do it and I might be pushing it even now but I have always or I was massive snowboarder when I was young.
I traveled the world snowboarding. I want to snowboard with my kids while I can. Okay. So what are you going to do to rate, to go towards that? I'm going to work my ass off and make lots of money. How much money have you got to put away each week for that? A lot. Like I, I am in the point now where I'm not even at the point where I can do that yet.
Do you know what I mean? It's like, I can't even. Get to that your because business is a baby. It's a baby. It's a baby I don't even have enough figures yet to do my numbers. Yes. You know what I mean? Like I'm so it's so fresh Yeah, but yeah, it's just that's one of my big big goals. I would really like to do I want to do a cruise With your family.
Yeah. Yeah. I've never been on a cruise. It could be fucking horrible and I might hate all of it But I just figured it's like everyone is on one place All the bags are unpacked. There's heaps of things to do. There is clubs that people can go in Someone does my food and it's all inclusive and I can just go.
Where would you go? Just locally, like, I don't know whether we'll go out of Australia or not depends whether we have passports for everyone, but just like, just like do one of the, just start with a taster. Yeah. That's what we're doing with the team. Yeah. Yeah. You know, yeah. That's what we're thinking. Just so, cause there's so many of us.
Like, and then it's all inclusive. Yeah. You have to think about it. That's a great idea. Oh, I know one big thing that I'm going to do this year. Yeah. And if I say it on here, gosh, I might actually have to do it. I've done it so far. It's only early days. What are we like? We're very early in January. It's 13 days into Jan.
Um. I haven't had any alcohol. Oh, okay. At all. Okay, so that's so funny that you said that, because that's what ran through my head with the cruise and then I stopped myself saying it. I don't drink, so the cruise would be like, we don't drink, so. But like, I don't really drink anyway. Yep. But I have had no, like nothing at all.
Yeah, okay. Even I Said on Chris, like, I had a drink on Christmas day, but then I just felt shit for three days and I was like, I'm not go. And again, I don't like, I had a drink, a drink. I drove home. Like, it's not like I got drunk, but I decided on New Year's Eve, I was like, I'm actually just not gonna have anything.
Mm-hmm . I had a cup of tea, you know, and a glass of sparkling water. Mm-hmm . And it was totally fine. And I woke up on New Year's Day and I was like, yeah, I feel really good. Mm-hmm. And it doesn't mean that I judge. Anybody, everybody else was drinking, we all had a good time, like it was fine, but I'm like, I just might not do that at all now and see how I feel.
I'm not, I'm not like, if I end up having a glass of bubbles or something, I'm going to just, but I'm sitting with it just to see how long it goes and to see if I want to keep doing it. Yeah, I love that. Yeah. I have a dry house, my partner's sober, he's been sober now four months, which is amazing. Um, And he feels amazing.
Like he's just like. He just everything for him, but yeah, you also have to feel the, feel the things more. Right. Cause we were, my girlfriend, I would discussing this. She was like, it wasn't through the holidays. She's like, it's when I'm back at work and she's like, and I get to the end of the week and I'm like, I need something to take the edge off or, you know, like, so she's like, that's why I drink.
Yeah. Okay. Um, and yeah, so for us, we don't drink at our house. It's only drinking when I will go out with girlfriends. And if they don't drink, I don't drink. So, but it's very much tuning into, like, your body and how you actually feel in it. Exactly! Not, like, and it's the same with all things, so for me, the reason why I have started this, and I feel wiped already, and I know it's going to be a couple of weeks of me feeling really wiped, which is why it's way easier.
To stop exercising and start eating sugar and live that because I don't feel as wiped is my body is so Tapped out on all of the levels, right? Because you know as much as you try and be good at Christmastime everything just blows out especially as a hairdresser You're just kind of eating and I did that everyone's bringing you treats and you eat the treats and So for me, you know Even I tried to cold and hot plunge the other day and my body was just so on edge that even like the cold was So yeah bad that it was like, Oh no, I have to actually change what I'm doing.
And I actually have to decide. To stick to something or not because my body is feeling it and I'm feeling it and you know Like I just I do to be a change But I understand completely it's so hard to do when you also work like it's it, you know It's almost like I'll take six months off and I'll just have this full like Baja moment I'll cleanse you so wouldn't do any of that.
Anyway, you can't you can't even take a week off I can't even take a week off to do that. So it's like Implement this into your new life and just deal with being tired for a while. I, and I think, I know for me, if I was off, I wouldn't get anything done. It's the pressure of having to do something that makes me do more.
Yeah. It's just how my brain responds. Yeah, me too. You know what I mean? So yeah, that just, I'd have a lot of time to feel really tired and not do anything. True. It's, yeah, I don't know, it's a perception. If I was to go to something like that, it would be like a, something where they have to make me do things all the time, otherwise I wouldn't feel relaxed at all.
Yeah, true, me too. Same actually. Tell me to do all the healthy things and I'll do them. Yeah. I want to do Some of the freaky stuff this year. Freaky stuff? Freaky stuff. In what context? It's like there's a lot of freaky stuff that could be. No, I mean like. What type of freaky stuff do you want to do this year, Gem?
Why? I want to try some of the radical things. You're welcome, Tim. Um, like what? I still can't remember what it's called. No. Not a colonoscopy, although I've got one of those too. Anima, no. Anima, no. What's the thing? Everyone's shouting at us on the pod right now. It's this, it's this. What's wrong with you?
Yeah, so I have done, I do coffee. I have not done a coffee anime in so long. I'm actually going to do one. Yeah, because that used to always bring you lots of energy. Yeah. Richard just looked at me then and was like, Rich can't tell me he, he also has a kid. Dad bought us all kids. Merry Christmas. Last Christmas.
Coffee animes. Um. What is the thing?
It's not a colonoscopy, it's not an enema, but it's the one where you go in and lie down and they flush you with water. Yes. It's deeply uncomfortable. I've done it. Yeah, I want to do that. I want to do some weird stuff. I want to do some cleanses. I've done all of them. I wanna stick to something. That's what I would like.
No, I don't wanna do any crazy cleanses. Yeah, no, no. I'm still very much a stick with stuff type scenario I wanna stick to. Yeah, but you stick to things. I don't. I try and then goodbye and then do all the things and then walk away from it like, but I think it's because you're too hard on yourself. You're like, oh, I didn't do it.
Whereas it is just like, oh, I didn't do it, so I'll just start again. No, I didn't do it. Sometimes I hated that cleanse that I did, the worming cleanse. That was the worst. You have to like take oregano and it's disgusting. I will not do that one again. Oh, yes, yes you do. Yeah, it's gross. I'll just eat worming chocolate if I feel the need.
Everyone's like, weird, I have five children, they're gross. Yeah. I'm very about eating lots of worming chocolate because I'm very funny about it. Oh, me too. Very funny about it. Yeah. Um, this is the oddest podcast. Um, but I just want to stick to something this year. I want to do something, stick to it for a certain period of time and see if it helps rather than just the next thing, the next thing, the next thing, the next thing to try and feel better.
Um, I've listened to a podcast, actually everyone should listen to it. It's the dopamine podcast with Dario, the CEO. Um, he actually said everyone should listen to it about the addiction to dopamine and how we try and get it in different forms of blah, blah, blah. And obviously with ADHD, you don't get as much dopamine.
You need hits of it. It's very, very informative, but yeah, definitely screen time. Additions to screen time and sugar is huge. So for me, I need to pull mine down so that I can then also do the same with my children. They also like screen time and sugar. Yes. Um, so you can rewire their brains while they're young.
So it's just those type of things that. You know, and then if I'm not spending the money, I can't be hyper fixated on doing it on stupid shit. Like, Oh sweet, let's just get a juice cleanse. Like how many juice cleanses have I done? So many and it's not, I always like getting the jars afterwards though.
I considered it and then I went, no, I'm not allowed to spend money. I can't do that. You know, I don't want to, I don't want to do anything crazy like that, but I want to do some, like, try some different like strength things, like strength training stuff and just different protocols. I think I'm going to go a little bit more heat rather than cold this year, although I still do like my cold shower every morning, but I'm going to like hit the sauna side of it instead.
Like, yeah, things like that. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. I think it's just. I don't know. January always gives you this time to be like, what do I want to change? And I think if we can just keep honing into that same energy throughout the year and go, all right, it's March. What moment, what were my figures last year? How do I want my body to feel this month rather than it's January.
Do all the things, it's March, don't do any of the things. So it's, how do we keep that accountability throughout the months, throughout the weeks. That was my big focus coming through like the Christmas and January period this year anyway, was to try and stay consistent the whole time, like not really change everything because it's like a holiday season and other, bar like two or three days around those like heavy celebration days.
I pretty much did that and I feel like I feel a lot better for it. Yeah, whereas I'm on the other side where I feel like garbage. Garbage? Garbage. Yeah, I felt like garbage yesterday for sure. Yeah, I definitely feel garbage. I did also realize yesterday as I had, I had such a meltdown yesterday. I don't know if it's the full moon, the fact I realized I haven't actually had a holiday for over a year and just the disruption to routine with the fact that it's been school holidays and stuff.
I had one day off in the last two weeks just to, anyway, it was a lot. I had a little bit of a like mental, I was such a nightmare yesterday. I don't know how my family put up with me. I was like, literally trying to start a fight with everybody. That's me now with PMS. I've never had it before. And the older you get, apparently the worse it gets.
Yes, it does. Yeah. Yes, that's absolutely true. Yeah. Anyway, I was so completely mental. I went down the road. To get a prescription for my dog who is also completely mental and While they were getting the prescription ready I took my car across to get some fuel and I I came out and I got in the car And I looked in front of me And I got in the back seat of my car Like who does that?
Who does that? My brain was just so fried. Oh my god, that's so funny. And then I got home and I had taken the wrong script and had to go back again. I was just like, this day just needs to end. They're the days where God's like, Don't, what are you doing? You're not meant to have done any of this. What are you doing?
Well, I tried not to do anything. I did lie on the couch and watch three movies, one of which I sent you a photo from. Um, but yeah, I was like, man, girlfriend, you need to take a holiday. Yeah. You fried. Yeah. You need to actually just, that's what I mean about, I don't feel like I ever actually gave my My brain, that full brain rest and did something so joyous, I need the joyous, I need to go and, and, and it just reminded me that, you know, even if it's for a couple of days.
Um, if you're having that break, you need to leave your frigging house. I gave myself a break on the Monday before I came back to work and I went to my sister's house. That was my holiday. And it was because I had such bad PMS that everybody was about to burn.
So I went to my sister's house, at which point she cooked me breakfast and made me scones and made me coffee. And I worked from there and it was a really nice way to do it. Yeah. So. I think the sum up of this episode is what are you doing this year with your life? Have you set things in goal and have you set goals in place and have you got something tracking?
To get there. Yes. Because it's all good and well to be like, I want these things. But because again, every year I say that I want to feel fitter and better and healthier and every year it gets to Christmas and I feel fatter and worse. But you don't set anything to actually do in the, in like, you just, fitter is not a goal.
It is. It is. No, it's not. I just want to feel fitter and healthier. And then I do. That's not a goal. The reverse of that. I'm like eating all of the, the other night for dinner I had two ice blocks. So today is day one. When this podcast comes out it would, should be like day 30, 30 something. Yeah. Let's see if I'm still on it.
Watch this space guys. We went on a journey. I didn't really know where it was going. It got freaky. But yeah, happy new year.
And that's how we start the episode. That's the teaser. Alright guys. Bye. Peace.